
Building foundations on the path to employment

Written by Castle | Sep 26, 2024 6:30:00 PM
  • In short: Castle’s Belmont branch partnered with TAFE NSW to deliver a transformative confidence and self-esteem course for 28 participants, helping them identify their strengths and potential.
  • Participants developed valuable skills in career planning, resume writing, interview techniques, and emotional intelligence, with many reporting significant personal growth.
  • The course not only prepared participants for employment but also empowered them to build social connections, engage with their community, and gain confidence in their future.

    Get in touch to learn more about Castle's tailored job-seeker training opportunities

Four of the course's participants holding their course completion certificates, with teacher Heather Jones


At Castle, we believe that supporting our participants goes beyond helping them find employment. It's about empowering them to take meaningful steps towards personal growth and community engagement.

This belief led the team at our Belmont branch to identify a unique opportunity to support a group of participants who were at first hesitant to engage fully in the traditional disability employment process.

Recognising the need for a tailored approach, the Belmont team partnered with TAFE NSW to offer a specialised confidence and self-esteem course. This course, delivered over three months by TAFE Belmont teacher Heather Jones, was hosted in the familiar and supportive environment of Castle’s Belmont office. The course aims to help participants identify their strengths, build self-confidence and explore their potential contributions to society. The course, originally designed by Heather Jones for TAFE NSW, was adapted to the needs of Castle's participants.

Providing a transformative experience for the 28 Castle participants who took part, the course equipped them with tools to boost their self-esteem, make social connections and develop strategies for overcoming personal setbacks. Through weekly sessions, participants learned about career planning, creating a personal brand, resume writing, interview skills and the importance of emotional intelligence.

"I consistently notice shifts in engagement from week 1 to 2. Participants often start to positively feed back very early in the course with comments like, 'This is different from what I expected!”
Heather Jones, TAFE Belmont teacher

Heather Jones says one of the most rewarding aspects of the course was witnessing the participants' transformation.

"I consistently notice shifts in engagement from week 1 to 2. Participants often start to positively feedback very early in the course with comments like, 'This is different from what I expected!'" This realisation became a turning point for many, as they began to recognise their own potential and strengths.

Glenn Rosewall, one of the participants, says, "My only disappointment is that the term is over. Heather exposed us to many new concepts that help one deal with life’s daily challenges." Another participant, Tim Rudge, reflected on how the course encouraged self-reflection and personal growth: "It helped us stop unconsciously putting ourselves down and see the value we each have."

Melissa Darcy, another participant, summed up the course's impact simply: "This course changed my life."

Castle’s Belmont branch manager, Shane Laloata, says the most rewarding outcome of a course like this is seeing participants apply the learning to their personal and professional lives. "The best part is seeing how participants take the skills they learn in this course into their journey, finding the confidence to create friendships, participate in the community and set employment goals," he says.

"My only disappointment is that the term is over. Heather exposed us to many new concepts that help one deal with life’s daily challenges.”
Glenn, course participant

As the course continues to run on an ongoing basis with different groups of Castle participants, the partnership between Castle and TAFE NSW demonstrates the potential of working together to create positive and lasting change in the local community.

Castle and TAFE NSW are not only supporting participants in their journey towards employment but also empowering them to lead more confident and engaged lives. It's a reminder that sometimes, the first step toward achieving your goals is believing in yourself.