
Why Should You Hire Through Castle?

Written by Castle | Sep 16, 2020 2:56:00 AM

When you hire through Castle, you not only gain a loyal and eager employee but gain access to an abundance of support from our dedicated team. We have 30 years’ experience in disability employment services and work with a range of employers of all sizes and industries, across the Hunter Valley, Port Stephens, Newcastle, Lake Macquarie and Central Coast areas.

What Can a Person with a Disability Bring to Your Team?


Hiring a person with a disability is not an act of charity, you will gain a productive employee who is grateful for the opportunity to work. Studies show that people with a disability are loyal, remaining in one workplace longer and taking on average less sick days per annum. One in five Australians identifies as having a disability so when you employ one of these people, you gain their unique perspective of your business operations. This can allow you to better understand the needs of your customers and modify your practice to promote inclusivity. You also demonstrate to your community that you provide a supportive and diverse workplace. The Australian Disability Network reports that people with a disability are “three times more likely to avoid an organisation and twice as likely to dissuade others because of an organisation's negative diversity reputation.”



What is a Disability?


Disabilities are diverse and cover an incredibly wide range of people and conditions. Some people have a temporary disability that may be due to an injury, others have a lifelong condition which may include vision or hearing loss, learning difficulties, physical impairments, Asperger’s or Autism Spectrum Disorder. Over 45% of the people with disabilities we work with have a mental health condition and it is likely you already manage staff who are affected by anxiety, depression or other mental health issues. When you employ through Castle, we not only support our participants in your workplace but can also help you support your existing staff through the Work Assist Program. 



How Do We Support You?


We will connect you with your personal Account Manager, who will take the time to understand the needs of your business, what you want to achieve and the kind of employee who will be the right cultural fit for your team. We can simplify your recruitment process, saving your business time and money at no cost to you! We will provide you with a shortlist of appropriate candidates, helping you to understand their specific needs as an employee with a disability.


Our dedicated Employment Support Managers will help you train your new employee and offer industry-leading support to you and your existing team, for as long as is needed. They can also facilitate access to wage subsidies and other incentives to help you keep your new team member employed.

Recruitment assistance, tailored on-the-job support, a loyal employee and wage subsidies - Castle can help you with all these!

To find out more about hiring through Castle contact us or call 1300 817 917 today.