Sue finds her dream role in the legal sector

  • In short: Sue was unsure about joining Castle after past bad experiences, but their help gave her the confidence to try again.
  • After workplace bullying and mental health struggles, Sue worked hard to rebuild her career. Castle helped with job applications and interviews.
  • At 63, Sue now works in a legal software firm where she feels valued. She says Castle and her contact, Jess, made it possible.

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Sue on verandah

Sue’s story proves that it’s never too late to rebuild your career and find the right fit with a supportive employer, no matter your age, barriers or previous experiences.


In 2022, Sue connected with the Castle Lake Haven team after her previous Disability Employment Services (DES) provider lost their contract. At first, she was hesitant to engage in the program due to previous negative experiences. But with Castle’s support, Sue went on to find her dream role with a well-known legal software company, where she continues to thrive two years into her employment.

Sue was in her 60s when she came to Castle. She had many years of experience in the legal sector, but previous negative situations with employers that weren’t the right fit had impacted her mental health.

Back in her late 40s, Sue experienced a mental health breakdown triggered by workplace bullying, leading to a decade in recovery, accessing therapy and even having to relearn basic self-care skills, like regaining the motivation to leave the house and interact with others.

“I remember having to ask at a chemist for help with make-up because I didn’t remember how to put it on and needing lots of assistance in a dress shop because I couldn’t tell what appropriate work wear was,” says Sue.

Despite these setbacks, Sue was determined to rebuild her career, finding the right role with a supportive employer that would create an environment where she could shine.

Prior to engaging with Castle, Sue had been doing some volunteering with a local animal welfare organisation as a first step on the path back to the workforce, allowing her to engage socially, be part of a team and establish a routine.

With Castle’s help, Sue found a role with a local law firm and went on to achieve important employment milestones, including 13 and 26 weeks of work. However, when the environment in that workplace became negative and her mental health was triggered, Sue left her job.

“I was 60 and this experience knocked me back again. I felt like giving up, thinking I’d never be employed again due to my age and lack of positive work experiences,” she says.

During this difficult time, Castle remained by her side, helping rebuild her confidence, refining her resume and navigating the application process, which included learning to answer key selection criteria.

The Castle Lake Haven team also connected Sue with local community organisations to strengthen her support network, including Because We Care Boutique, a service run by dedicated stylist volunteers assisting women with suitable attire to re-enter the workforce. Sue was given an outfit makeover to help with her confidence to attend job interviews.


When Castle discovered a role for a Document Automation Specialist with a legal software firm, Sue was initially hesitant to apply. Although the role aligned perfectly with her skills and aspirations, her confidence was so low that she felt unworthy of the chance. With encouragement and practical support from her Castle contact team, Sue applied for the role, prepared for the interview and landed the position.

Today, at 63 years old, Sue is thriving in her dream role. She loves her work, values her colleagues and describes her employer as the best workplace she’s ever worked in.

“Due to my previous experiences, I had given up hope that I’d ever work again. I certainly never thought I could be happy in a job. I’m blown away to have found this company that is full of good people. I’m amazed every day to work in a company that truly cares about its employees. From the first day, everyone has been welcoming, friendly and helpful."


Sue is grateful for the support of the Castle Lake Haven team and her Castle contact, Jess to achieve this turnaround in her career. She says that through positive reinforcement and support to overcome the setbacks, She felt encouraged to keep moving forward and give new opportunities a go.

Two years into her employment, Sue plans to finish her career on a high note with this supportive employer.

"I couldn’t have done it without Jess’s help in the Castle Lake Haven team. I had really given up hope but Jess’ continual support kept me going forward. Finally, at 63 years of age, I am working in my dream job. I’m not going to be able to retire at the normal age because I love this job too much!"

For Jess and the Castle Lake Haven team, being able to support participants like Sue to achieve their goals is what makes their work so rewarding:

“Seeing Sue thrive is a constant reminder of why we do what we do. Even two years after she graduated from our program, Sue continues to inspire me. Thinking about her journey picks me back up when I’ve had a particularly challenging day,”

Jess Charge, Castle Employment Services Coordinator.

Sue’s story proves that it’s never too late to rebuild your career and find the right fit with a supportive employer, no matter your age, barriers or previous experiences. With an employment partner like Castle offering tailored support and genuine care in helping people overcome obstacles, participants can achieve their goals.